Kindom monera can be classified into two classes
- eubacteria(true bacteria)
- archaebacteria(live in extreme condition)
- eubacteria
- cynobacteria
-cell wall composed of peptidoglycan
-the structure of membrane lipid is ester and lipid
-the ribosome 70s is present
-it is sensitive to anti-biotic
-cell wall composed of poilysaccharide and protein
-the structure of membrane lipid is ether and lipid
-the ribosome 70s is absent
-not sensetif to anti-biotic
Archaebacteria (live in extrem condition)
-blue green algae
-exist in : single,filamentous or colonial
-live in ponds,lake, and most watery place
-some of it is photothrophs
-it is gram negative
Unique characteristic
-all are prokaryotic
-circular DNA
-have plasmid
-reproduce by prokaryotic fission
(a) parasite: live in host,absorb other's nutrients
(b) saprobes: get nutrient from organic product,waste.
1.recycling chemical element
-nitrogen fixing
2.symbiotic relationship
-enterobacteria: E-coli in human intestine
-plant pathogenic bacteria
-agent of disease
eg; plasmodium cause malaria
4.In research and technology
-make soap powder,tanning leather
-medical research: easy to culture,make anti-biotic
eg: penicillium form penillin
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